Thursday, October 28, 2010


Alone staring into midnight, lying on a park bench
Surrounded by its red roses and trees of green
A sky painted of blue and purple, filled with stars
Isolated from the entire world, and all of its sound.
He begins to play,
Tonight I will be distant from others, but not alone.
We look into the soul of the universe, Mozart and I.
Das Klavierkonzert
My soul is released from the gates of restriction that we call perception
I begin to leave my body,
And take a ride on the checkerboard train
Under the stars that look like the souls of song
And through the red roses and trees of green,
een sterrenhemel, sterrenhemel middernacht
painted by the spirit Van gogh
my flesh left empty, under canvas painted reality
Nicht wach!! he says, do not awake!
My own personal messiah, “Walk with me in this garden“ and begins to play louder.
And the stars become brighter and the roses more red
While the sky turns to deep midnight purple
I am but a man riding with gods, frightened to open my eyes.
J’ai trouve ce que je suis a la recherche pour, birntot je vais ecrire la musique qui etait cache dans les profondeurs de mon ame d‘un tel longtemps, tres longtemps.
David James Westlake


It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen
I enter nirvana
The violins, they are green
I can taste them as well
I wonder if Beethoven intended on this
It’s like walking through a garden
The cello, it’s purple
Just like moonlight sonata
This music is like a whole new world
One which I can only see
I’m sitting, watching my dad play guitar
Its maroon,
I remember the first time I noticed I was different
I thought I was crazy

The Beethoven Poem

Bewilderingly beautiful the dream I had last night.
Entered endless reflection of my soul.
Every night my mind surrenders to his sacred music.
The one who speaks the voice of god through notes.
Hours become thoughts that drift through my mind in symphony.
Occuper ma conscience et la remplit de l’amour.
V ictoriously he states “Musik ist mittler zwischen geistiger und sinnlicher leben”
Even when I am drowning, I will reach out for his hand of composition,
N ow that I have his Music embedded within my soul.